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Sample Questions
Tell me about yourself?Chicago born, Tennessee raised, began working with children at an early age because my mother was a daycare owner. It was in my genes to care for people so I pursued a career in social work which eventually led to education. I wanted to make an impact with my writing and speaking, became a doctor in education and now the real work begins.
Why did you choose to self-publish?I choose to self-publish because I wanted to build a brand and company together that will stand the test of time. I want to be a household name in the publishing industry.
Where does your passion for writing come from?I started writing at age 8, based on the frustration and dire situation I grew up in, it was the best way to express myself. I couldn’t articulate myself as a young man so writing became my outlet to vent my positives as well as my negatives.
Where do you get your ideas for your books from?This may sound spooky but all my ideas for my books come to me as a vision. It is as if they are meant to happen in some strange way. They are very thought out and well planned. I do not like to rush my work so I work tirelessly to make sure my visions come to fruition.
Your current work, “The Relationship Guide: The Business and Science of Reasoning”, what is this book about?The premise of this book simply states that relationships are so important that they create happiness and misery depending on our mindset. And that our mindset should be more practical, realistic as we navigate them. We must do this by becoming aware, educated on how relationships truly function in the 21st century.
What can reader’s expect from a work such as this?Reader’s can expect to learn about the historical ramifications about topics such as race, gender, religion, and money. They will also gain a better understanding of the biological underpinnings as well as the social exchange between people. Relationships are process driven, business driven, social driven and scientifically driven, and I outline just how in this book.
What sets this book apart from all the other books on relationships?Well, although this book addresses romantic relationships, it succinctly connects other relationships that impact our romantic relationships and outlines the reasons why being socially aware of them can create better relationships. If we are not evaluating each and every relationship we have in our lives it will lead to resentment, contentment and a stagnation that establishes a fixed mindset. This book gives relationship building a fresh, innovative and unique perspective.
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